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Wedding invitation cards: discover their secret here.

Tarjetas de invitación para boda: descubre su secreto aquí.

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If you chose a place to celebrate the wedding with all your loved ones and friends, an invitation must be sent, indicating such important things as the place, time and dress code are very necessary.

Here we tell you what are the secrets of wedding invitation cards, from the beginning you know how the end will be, so surprise with the invitations, an excellent appetizer for the day of your life.

This should be taken into account when making the invitations

There are some basic things that should go into wedding invitation cards such as the date, time and place where your wedding will be held. The secret lies in the content of the invitation and its style.

Do not send an invitation to send it, make it something creative and striking, a message that catches the attention of your guest is something super valuable, remember that there are wedding invitations and also wedding reception cards.

The reception cards indicate to the people who are in the church where they should go for the wedding reception, a wow factor that you can use with the closest guests, a very striking detail.

The more elaborate the invitation card, the more expensive it can be, so how much do wedding invitations cost? It all depends on the details, quality of the paper and design you want on them.

Introductory text for the invitation

Talking about the presentation text for wedding invitation cards, is it really that important? The answer is yes, a wedding is a special event in the couple’s life, celebrating it with loved ones is essential.

So if you send wedding invitation cards, make sure it’s something special, a meaningful text that touches the heart of each guest is a special and meaningful detail.

Choosing an emotional phrase that represents the love between the couple and the desire to celebrate the special day with that person you are inviting to your wedding is pretty cool.

No matter what kinds of weddings exist in Colombia, invitations cannot be ignored, invitations are tradition, without them there would be no guests.

The invitations must be made in advance, people must have them available that day, so it is crucial to do them a long time before, how long before the wedding are the invitations delivered? It all depends on the wedding.

If it is a large wedding with many guests, it is best that you send them a year in advance, if it is a medium-sized wedding, neither very large nor very small, 6 months in advance is fine, be careful, do not forget to ask them to confirm attendance !.

Here are 4 ideas for creating the ideal wedding invitation text.

Wedding invitation card style

There are many wedding invitation designs, the best thing you can do is choose the design that fits the theme of the entire wedding, here everything matters, the quality of the paper, the color and the font.

If the party is glam, the design of the wedding cards must be very elegant, you must indicate the dress code to attend a wedding in the wedding invitation cards, the dress code must match the concept of the wedding.

If you are one of those who like memories, you can send souvenirs with the invitations, your guests will surely love it, accompany the country-style wedding cards with some lavender leaves, an original and aromatic touch.

Wedding invitation card style

Wedding branding as a personal brand on invitations

What is branding? It is the concept and definition of a personal or commercial brand, wedding branding is called wedding branding and is used to create the concept or style of the wedding.

Choose the color palette for the wedding and print it in every detail, even the wedding invitation cards must have the same color palette, it is about inspiration, an appetizer for the guests.

The place to celebrate a wedding must match the concept of the wedding, if you chose a rustic location, the colors must be neutral or earth tones, in accordance with all the decoration of the place.

On the other hand, if you chose a natural outdoor concept for a country wedding, the tones and decoration should be bright, colorful and fresh, as should the design of the wedding invitation cards.

If the whole concept of the wedding takes place at an evening reception, make sure that in the dress code of the invitations it indicates that suits or dresses must be worn to attend an evening wedding.

Plan your wedding from scratch with a good wedding provider.

Wedding invitation cards are one of the most important steps in planning your marriage, but a wedding without a location, decoration, catering and confectionery is not a wedding.

Finding good providers is not an easy task, making them by yourself can be quite a challenge, it is best to find a single provider that offers you all the services in one.

When you have everything defined, such as the date, time, place and concept of the wedding, it is when you can send the invitations, but you must have the final guest list to be able to send them.

It is best to send them physically to the address of each guest, if you do it virtually, it is possible that they get lost or stay in the spam mail, if you want your guests to attend, make sure they receive it.

Plan your wedding from scratch with a good wedding provider

The secret of wedding invitation cards is in the design and content, the more creative you are, the more you will attract the attention of your guests, they will surely not want to miss your wedding.

Plan your wedding without stress with everything you need, at Wink events we are allies in the design and concept of weddings in the cities of Medellín, Bogotá, Barranquilla and Cartagena, visit our website and dare to dream with us.

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Para eso te ofrecemos un plan personalizado, integral y a la medida que te libere de todo el estrés. ¡Contáctanos y te contamos todo!