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This is a wedding of 50 people

Do you want to plan your wedding? We tell you what a wedding of 50 people is like when you plan it with Wink. Look what we can do.
Boda íntima de 50 personas | Wink Eventos

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“Why do I want to postpone or why not?” “And how do I get 60 people off the list and who? “Why do I want to postpone or why not?” “And how do I get 60 people off the list and who?

We are full of questions and the answer is not always on the outside, maybe it is in a team that gives you absolute confidence but the certainty is on the inside.

“It was an opportunity that life gave us to enjoy people more, to really share with those we loved and cared about and put aside for a moment the commitment of those who must be invited to pay attention to them.

It never crossed my mind to have a wedding of 50 people, the truth is that counting family, friends and acquaintances the figure was more than 100 guests, but I have to confess that if I could repeat my wedding without a pandemic I would go again for the night. decision to do it with 50 people.

Que verás en este artículo

The big day

After thinking about postponing the wedding, thinking about whether it would be the right time or not, Manu and Jacobo decided to carry out their dream wedding with 50 people, the special ones, a celebration that they could not imagine without them and with their 2 puppies for the photo. familiar.

At the ceremony each guest received a mask, when the bride and groom left they did not throw anything else, they raised bells with ribbons to celebrate, the rings were brought by the godmother, at the reception their puppies were waiting for the family photo in a backing and their friends and dearest relatives to make the toast.

Date: October 3, 2020
Time: 3:30 pmspan,
Place: Palau Eventos
Escobero Hill, Envigado

The decoration

Blue and green, the tone they wanted and the organic touch.

A totally fluid process that was reflected in the decoration, we got into their history, what they were and what they wanted.

Manu and Jacobo have always loved blue, they feel identified with this color and we wanted to apply it in various shades of it, from the table served with the cloth napkins to the decorative accessories, moving flowers, textures, a whole garden in the living room with decorative elements with heights, a lot of dynamism and a complementary color palette.

“The truth is that we made the best decision, because in addition to receiving God’s blessing, it was a day that Jacobo and I enjoyed without being under so much stress, with so much pressure. We did what we dreamed of, what we wanted with the people who should be there.

The room was perfect, we didn’t enjoy the party, the decoration was perfect, the service of the waiters and the Wink team was the best, they were attentive to each of the details.”

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Preparamos todo para tu boda de destino en Bogotá

¡Queremos que tu boda sea inolvidable!

Para eso te ofrecemos un plan personalizado, integral y a la medida que te libere de todo el estrés. ¡Contáctanos y te contamos todo!