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Thinking about the following procedures that you must carry out after your dream wedding is boring, but it has to be done for your marriage to be valid, here we tell you everything you need to do it.
Before registering the marriage certificate, this must be done
Who officiates civil, religious or other religious marriages must have legal status and be registered with the Ministry of the Interior, if you want your marriage to be legal, whoever officiates must meet these requirements.
So yes, when you go to make a marriage registration application you must have married a judge, father or pastor with legal status to be able to validate your marriage in the country or abroad, otherwise it will not be legal.
What you need to register a civil marriage
The celebration of a wedding as a symbol of union between two people who love each other, is not enough for it to be a legal marriage in Colombia, for your marriage to be legal you must take one more step.
We know that preparing a wedding is not as easy as we think, the important thing is to have support to make your wedding the most magical day, the marriage registration is the only thing you have to do for yourself.
Protocolization of judicial or administrative proceedings
Do you know what protocolization means? no, it is not what you are thinking!, the protocol of an event or a wedding is something else, it is a notarial procedure called marriage notarization.
Protocolizing is converting a document into a public or private document into a formal document valid before the state.
What the notary does to formalize is to attach some formal public or private documents to validate the marriage registration, deeds with formalities specified by law.
Details of the contracting parties
Before the wedding ceremony, whether Catholic or civil, you must have some documents ready to be able to get married, they are personal data of each one, such as civil registration to get married, confirmation, identity card and one or another.
To register the marriage, you must bring the notarized certificate of the administrative procedures corresponding to its celebration, indicating the date of the marriage, the place, notary or notary who celebrated it.
First of all, you have to meet certain requirements to get married in Colombia, it may seem obvious, but you must not be married at the time of the marriage request.
You must present the personal documents of the two, copies of the identity card, the civil registry and the duly authenticated written request for civil or religious marriage.

So you can register a religious marriage
To register a religious marriage or register a marriage before a notary, you need certain documents to be able to do so, otherwise you register your marriage, it will not be legal in Colombia.
Spiritual weddings in Colombia or religious marriages must be registered before a notary, no, not only with a church wedding your marriage is already legal, remember that it is a spiritual act but that it must be complemented.
Act parochial
The parish record is the church document where annotations of events such as the birth, death or marriage of a person are made.
En este caso se necesita el acta parroquial para dar fe de que se efectuó el matrimonio, en el proceso para la inscripción de matrimonio ante la notaría, es uno de los documentos que debes anexar.
Father's certificate of competence
The certificate of competence of the priest who officiates the wedding ceremony is basically a certificate that validates the priest’s aptitude to exercise the priestly ministry in the archdiocese.
Rather, what guarantees it to officiate masses, weddings, baptisms and other Catholic acts, without this document the registration of marriage could not be carried out in the case of religious marriage.
Details of the contracting parties
In a document you must indicate the place where the wedding took place and its date, attached to this document your names and those of your wife or husband, marital status, home address and a copy of identity documents .
Do not forget to present the folio number of the birth registration of each one, you must also indicate the full name of your parents and those of your wife or husband.
Time for registration of civil and religious marriage
Do you know how long it takes for a marriage certificate to be registered and legal? In order for the marriage certificate to be registered before a notary, you need to meet all the requirements.
Once you leave all the paperwork ready at the notary, the notary has a certain time to carry out this process, it can take approximately 2 or 3 weeks, it all depends on the notary or the civil registry.
If you register your marriage through a notary, it will take less time than if you do it through the civil registry.
Todo lo que necesitas para tu boda soñada.
Before a wedding, the bride and groom look for information about everything that has to do with a marriage, the church, the place, the guests, the food and an infinity of other things.
Some not so fun details such as authenticating or validating the certificate through marriage registration are part of this whole love event, but then how to organize a Catholic wedding?
The celebration of a Catholic wedding is not just going to church to be married by a father and that’s it, you have to do procedures that are a bit slow and you must do them yes or yes to be able to get married.
Once you finish, now the enjoyment begins, the organization of the ceremony and the party, do not believe it, it is not something super easy either, there are many protocol activities that you must do so that everything goes well.
Doing it on your own can be a difficult task, the best thing you can do is find an ally in the planning and design of your wedding, you may think of a wedding planner but it is not the same as a company specialized in events.
An events house has all the possibilities to get the location of your dreams and that all the logistics that a wedding requires go perfectly. At Wink Eventos we have the services you need to celebrate your wedding.

Do not worry about procedures such as marriage registration before the wedding, that is easy, what requires much more time is planning your marriage.
Look no further, start planning the wedding you have dreamed of with us, at Wink we help you find the dream place to celebrate love and union.