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A wedding, in itself, requires a significant investment to make it just as you always dreamed. Yes, churches also charge for marrying you. Don’t worry, it’s not as expensive as you might think.
In this article, you’ll learn how much it costs to get married in a church and what alternative options you have if you don’t want to marry in a church.
What you need to do before preparing for the wedding.
To plan a wedding, you need to think of everything. It’s not just about choosing the location or the decoration; preparations for a church wedding involve a few more steps than those for a civil wedding.
If you want a church wedding, you’ll need to complete a premarital course and submit the required paperwork to apply for a church ceremony.
Paperwork for a Marriage Application
Getting married in a church is not difficult; to do so, you must comply with certain protocols required by the Catholic Church. The requirements of the Catholic Church are not the same as those requested by other religious denominations.
If you plan to marry civilly, the paperwork is different from what is required in a church, and you won’t even need to take a premarital course. Therefore, all the steps needed for a church wedding come with additional costs.
In addition to the civil birth certificate, copies of identification cards, and other necessary documents, you must complete the premarital course and ensure that both parties have received the sacrament of confirmation in the Catholic Church.
Confirmation Course if You Haven’t Taken It
To get married in a church, you need to complete a Confirmation course before the wedding ceremony. Catholics who did not receive this sacrament during their adolescence must complete it before the wedding.
The church wedding decoration is the responsibility of the couple or the event planning company in charge of the celebration.
There is something called a parish record or parish registry, which contains all the information about a person who identifies with the Catholic religion. Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, and Death are all recorded in this document.
Premarital Course
In the premarital course, there are sessions aimed at strengthening the couple’s relationship. Topics such as communication, the meaning of marriage, respect, and other important aspects of living together as a couple are discussed.
To get married in a church, you must take this premarital course. All these requirements come with additional costs on top of the marriage application fee. Keep in mind that the church must be reserved privately for the wedding.
The priest’s services also have a cost. We cannot provide specific prices as they vary from one church to another. Some types of weddings in Colombia are larger than others, and weddings with more guests tend to be more expensive.
Now, Let’s Talk About Prices
In Colombia, on average, a church wedding ceremony costs between 70,000 to 300,000 Colombian pesos. This does not include the premarital course, which costs approximately 30,000 pesos.
Talking about how much a wedding costs in Colombia involves aspects such as the venue, food, decoration, and also the church. The church flowers are different from the ones you’ll find at the reception.
Don’t forget that parish fees must also be paid, which typically cost around 60,000 Colombian pesos, although this can vary depending on the church and its location.

Low-Cost Weddings: Plan Your Dream Wedding Without Overspending
Celebrate Your Wedding on a Budget, You don’t have to spend a lot to have your dream celebration. However, the more you want, the higher the cost—more guests mean a bigger budget.
Wedding and event companies are experts at organizing the wedding or event you desire. They can help you find the best venues, catering services, and decorations tailored to your budget.
If you want an alternative to getting married in a church, you can set up a beautiful altar at the location where you’ll celebrate your wedding, customized to your decorative preferences.
A countryside ceremony offers a natural ambiance with organic colors, a perfect complement to your wedding. These ceremonies take place outdoors, so choose a good day during the season—weather is important; you wouldn’t want it to rain on your big day.
Some symbolic weddings in Colombia are held in countryside locations. These weddings are a great option for couples who don’t want to marry in a church or cannot do so for other reasons.
Learn how to organize a wedding for 50 people and discover everything you need to plan a beautiful small wedding.

Now you know that getting married in a church isn’t as expensive as you thought. You just need to keep in mind the requirements to fulfill before the wedding and focus all your energy on the celebration.
With a well-planned budget, you can create the wedding you’ve always dreamed of. At Wink, we support you in everything to make a small wedding unforgettable, with everything you need for your big day. Plan your wedding with us!