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All companies in the world want to increase their productivity, which is why they invest in facilities, machines, products, raw materials and hire trained personnel.
What many companies do not know is that what increases the productivity and performance of companies the most is motivating employees, I don’t know, it is only about economic incentives, there are other things that you must do, we will tell you about it.
Why is motivating employees so important?
You must be clear that those who help and are a large part of the success of any company are the employees, which is why motivating employees is so important.
Imagine an employee who does not feel part of the company, who works only to earn his salary, is simply going to limit himself to what he has to do in the company and is not going to contribute valuable ideas to the company.
This is even more noticeable when they have to be in customer service, at some point they will cause some kind of upset to the customer and as a result you will lose a purchase and of course a customer.
One of the reasons why employees leave a company is the lack of motivation and recognition, having unmotivated employees can harm the future of your company.
There are many reasons why motivating employees will change your life and the landscape of your company.
Best performance in each activity
When we are happy we do things with greater motivation and passion, happy workers are more productive, even if the task you assign them is not to their liking, if your collaborator is motivated they will do it quickly and well.
There are many ways to motivate employees and one of them is to place the worker in the right position, who knows what he has to do and does not give him tasks that are not his responsibility.
One way to motivate your employees is to give thanks and tell them how good they are at their job, recognition is motivating.
The most demotivating thing in a job is when you load a worker with more activities than they should, sooner or later the pressure will make them leave the company, a very common mistake in many companies that should not continue to happen.
Motivating employees, happy customers
One of the reasons why customers change you or look for another product is because of poor customer service, the biggest reason to motivate employees in all areas is because each one of them is related.
From the creation of a product to its sale, all areas must be synchronized, and this will not be possible if there is a bad work environment where your collaborators do not understand each other, and that happens when the loads are not balanced.
One of the work motivation strategies is to hold business events where each of the workers feels part of the company through activities that reinforce that feeling.
Promoting teamwork through role-playing as an activity within the event strengthens the working relationship and can give you a lot of information about each employee that you can use to your advantage.
There are many types of business events with which you can motivate employees, not only the end of the year parties are good for that, you can also motivate with learning,
Training and workshops in an event hall in Cartagena is a great motivation, business trips to other cities and especially those with sea are usually quite motivating, you don’t have to take the whole company, just take those who consider enough.
Of course, be very careful with job jealousy, do not allow that to be seen as favoritism with some of them, you must be strategic when doing it, there are also great locations on the outskirts of the city.

Increased loyalty and commitment to the company
When an employee has a sense of belonging to a company, they will find the best way to collaborate with it, a committed employee will carry out whatever they set out to do and that is what a company needs.
This is perhaps one of the most important reasons for wanting to motivate employees, and this is done through recognition. If you see that your collaborators are working harder and harder for the goals, encouraging and motivating them is what you should do.
Balance the employee’s work and personal life, avoid at all costs making calls outside of working hours, nothing more daunting than that.
If your company sells products, invite your collaborators to some launches, make them part of the achievement, since they worked hard for it, invite them to enjoy a good catering for events, food brings joy, tranquility and motivation.
Motivating employees predicts the success of a company.
Many companies have been affected by their mismanagement of human resources, lack of ideas, customer service and bad work environment, it is not easy to find a balance in everything, if you focus on maintaining good management, it will surely help you. go very well.
No company is perfect, what you need is to understand the needs of each area or department and you achieve this by creating spaces for participation, business events are the perfect setting.
What more reason to motivate employees than to be able to achieve the success of your company, which translates into better sales and greater growth in everything.
What you invest will return faster
Motivating employees ensures the return on investment, the more sales you have, the greater the benefit, we know that training staff and keeping them motivated through activities requires time and money.
Do not worry about what you invest in your staff, this investment will return and much more than what you invested, happy employees contribute a lot to the growth of the company.
Your company will be more competitive in the sector in which it is located, especially in the commercial areas, it offers your employees the opportunity to grow in the company and you will see how their productivity will increase.
Business events, an effective way to motivate employees
The best way to motivate employees is through economic or professional recognition. When an employee feels valued at work, it is unlikely that they will leave the company, they will undoubtedly be more efficient.
Holding business events such as year-end parties, anniversaries or training your staff through workshops, seminars, congresses where they can acquire new knowledge applicable to their area also motivates them.
Choosing locations outside the city or in another place different from the company is the best option, you get them out of the routine and create a calm and relaxed environment, planning business events requires time and money.
Remember that everything you invest in your staff will return to you easily, don’t worry about time, you can hire companies that take care of everything, at Wink events we have everything you need to do it.
From meals for special events, to lighting and sound for the entertainment of your employees, all you need is to be clear about the type of event you want to offer and we will accompany you in everything else.

We know that if you have come this far it is because you do not lack more reasons to motivate employees and enjoy all the benefits that this can bring to your company.
The best scenario to do it is in locations for business events, a space dedicated to your employees, where they will learn and enjoy everything you can offer them with our help.
Visit our website and start planning your event with Wink, choose a good catering and pastry service to surprise all your attendees, we are waiting for you!