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To calculate the capacity of a room with an auditorium-type layout, you not only need to know the number of attendees.
Finding an auditorium to host conferences is not always easy, especially if you need it with a good capacity, the best alternative is a room that you can adapt yourself so that attendees have a better experience.
In this article we tell you what you should do and how you can calculate the capacity of a room for an auditorium-type assembly for any type of conference, congress or other business event.
Why choose a hall and not an auditorium for events?
Calculating the capacity of a hall is not the same as calculating the capacity of an auditorium. The auditorium is already distributed according to its space, so from the get go you already know its total capacity, although we know that an auditorium is not the most comfortable.
An auditorium does not have common spaces where tables can be adapted for food or for the delivery of souvenirs or brochures of the same event, instead, there are types of event rooms with large areas for this purpose.
It is no secret to anyone that an event inside an auditorium can be very boring, if you do not have good speakers, a closed space can make it easier for the attendee to disconnect from the conference.
A hall for events aside from having a covered space, it also has outdoor common areas, which gives you more possibilities when organizing a business event.
There are many types of business events in which companies invest a lot of time and effort to obtain a benefit. This is undoubtedly enhanced with an attractive places and services for the guests at your event.
Don’t worry about what you have to do to calculate the capacity of the room to be able to hold your event, it is not difficult to do. Follow these steps:
Measure the space when you already have the total number of attendees
If you already know how many attendees your event has, it’s time to choose the venue. It does not matter if the capacity of the room is 200 people, the distribution of the furniture for an auditorium assembly takes up more space than a person standing.
So how to calculate the capacity of an event room? When you already have several options for rooms for your event, go to each of them and measure the space with a tape measure.
You have to measure the place for setting up the stage or where you are going to have your speakers, divide the space for the chairs, make a link between the number of guests and the space occupied by each chair.
The number of chairs and rows that you are going to have for 150 guests is 10 chairs per row, for a total of 15 rows in general, we recommend that you measure each chair so that you have an idea of how much space each one occupies to have a better distribution.
Locations that have photos or 3D tours help you identify the distribution for the number of attendees at an event.
The key is to choose places for events with a larger capacity than you need, why? You need to have emergency exits, areas or spaces where people can be, they won’t always be sitting in their chair.
This way it will be easier to have a good setup for your event and you will not have to limit yourself as much to a space that you calculated with exact measurements. Make sure you get a place with a capacity of 50 more people than what you are expecting at your event.
There are currently tools to calculate the capacity of a room, they help you to know the type of assembly you can do and especially if you have what is necessary for your event in terms of space.
How many meters does each person need to be inside a space?
In general, a person needs approximately 1 square meter for a party or event, in this case for auditorium-type conferences, the capacity of a room must be calculated based on the fact that each person needs 1 m2.
The square meter per person refers to any person who is standing, that changes when you need to set up chairs so that attendees can sit, here you will need approximately 2 square meters.
The outdoor halls have many usable spaces, tents are installed in the outdoor areas to expand the capacity of the hall.
It is not only about chairs, but about the stage, the tables for the catering service and stands in case you need to have it, so the more space you have the better, it is also the most appropriate in case of emergency.
Now you know!
You don’t have to be a math expert to calculate the capacity of a room, all you need is a good event planner like Wink and visit the venue to understand the layout of the space.

Delimit the space for the assembly of the stage.
Almost all important events for companies have a stage, its setup should always be taken into account when calculating the capacity of a room because they can take up a lot of space from the furniture layout
If you already have the place where you are going to do the event and it is wide, get a masking tape and demarcate the most important areas for the event, the stage is one of them.
If you are going to have chairs and tables, you should know that your stage must be wide, so consider measuring the furniture before, when you already have the measurements, mark the stage and the area where the assembly of the auditorium will go in the room.
It is the best strategy to distribute the areas of the event, if you do not have the furniture, this is still the best option. Apply this to the areas where you are going to place the catering service or other services that you plan to provide at your event.
The type of furniture is important when calculating the capacity of a room.
Calculating the capacity of a room is not limited only to the space that each person occupies, it must be calculated with respect to the furniture that is going to be used, it is not the same to use only chairs, than to assemble with tables in addition to the chairs.
If your event is a congress, a convention or training, use more chairs than tables, many people usually go to these events, be it from your company or clients and partners, choose comfortable chairs that do not take up too much space.
You will have to use a few tables to place event material and pastry or catering service that will be offered at the event. These tables must be located in common areas outside the auditorium assembly
Do not get caught up looking for furniture separately, there are locations that have their own furniture suitable for each event, the best thing you can do is find Yerbabuena-style locations with large areas and a capacity of 200 guests, this one has its own furniture
With an event organizing company, everything to calculate the capacity of a room is easier.
With an event planning company, calculating the capacity of a room will be much easier, these companies already have adequate places for the type of event you need, and the best thing is that you don’t have to stress out calculating the capacity by yourself.
If you don’t know any company, Wink Events is the answer. With more than 400 events carried out, we know what each particular event needs Setting up an auditorium type will be easier.
Get to know all locations and services that we have for your event, we are with you every step of the way, and yes, we even calculate with you the capacity you need for the event.